My First Blog!!

Well, as computer illiterate as I am, I decided to join the blog "band wagon". My plan is to share my experiences and photos as I experience rural living and small live stock raising for the first time in my life! I am also delving into organic gardening and my goal is to have a self sustaining farm. My future goals are to expand on dairy goat raising, chickens for eggs, raising our own beef, a large organic CSA garden, and the ability to teach others of the importance of eating organic foods, avoiding anything processed, and buying locally and when things are in season. I have only canned jam at this point and plan on doing some applesauce, but next year I hope to can and freeze alot of fruits and vegetables. I'm trying to take it in baby steps though to prevent myself from becoming completely overwhelmed.
I'm so thankful everyday at how much God blesses our lives. There are always struggles in life, but it is through these struggles that we gain knowledge, understanding, and perseverance.
Many blessings to you!!
Good job!! I love the background. Can't wait to read more.
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