Spring on the Farm

It's been awhile since I shared any news from the farm. It's our third year here and the "third year it leaps" saying is so true. My flowers have gone absolutely crazy this year. Everything is so lushe and full. The iris just finished and I just enjoyed the last bouquet of peonies. I got 14 blooms from one bush and they were so gorgeous and smelled heavenly.
The animals are really active of course and the chickens are laying like crazy. I'm getting a dozen or more a day right now and actually having a hard time keeping up with them. I walked in to collect eggs one morning and found a perfect round nest with some feathers and two pretty brown eggs. It's those little moments that are as fullfilling as the big ones. The girls are outside right now working hard and I can hear them anouncing there eggs. One of them sounds like she's chuckling to herself. I wish there was a way that these moments could be wrapped up and put in a box and then opened on a dreary day.
No baby goats this spring, but I'll try again next fall. God is a pretty smart guy though. I've had health issues the last couple of months that have left me pretty dependent on others and then had surgery a week ago. All went well and I even took s stroll in the garden today. It's a gorgeous and sunny day.
My 8yr old had a play this morning. I love when he looks up and finally spots us in the crowd. He gets the biggest grin and has to do the little wave. At the end of their play the teacher had the parents take the place of their child and did the play a second time with the parents playing some of the roles. It was a hoot and Christien got so tickled over me playing his part.
My 19yr old text messaged me last night and forwarded a picture of his new eybrow piercing. Oh, my. I suppose if it makes him happy. He's a great kid and loves the lord. I'm so glad he opted not to do the lip! yikes!! I text him back with "OMG, I forgot you were doing that. Did it hurt?" He called me back and apparently he and his friends were quiet humored over his mom texting in abbreaviations. His words were, "Mom, your so cute. You make me laugh". I love to make my boys laugh. Kids love to see their parents show their silly side.
your chickens and eggs look great. and that iris..so pretty!
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