Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Latest Pictures From The Garden

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
It's strawberry time!!

Spring on the Farm

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Patricia's Birthday Gift

A Day Out With The Girls

After that we went to a chinese resteraunt that made everything home made and fresh. It was the best chinese I've ever eaten!! I had the beef and broccoli in a brown sauce and fried rice. The egg drop soup was wonderful and perfect for the cool rainy weather we had yesterday.
After lunch we decided to make our way to the button and ribbon store that we've heard so much about. We did however get sidetracked by the Yarn Garden store. This place is an entire city block!! There were so many choices of yarn I could hardly make a decision. Patricia had to come and find me and drag me out. (not really, she was very sweet about it)
We were on our way again turning and winding through all the one way streets of portland and through all the traffic to get to the one place we were most looking forward to seeing. We finally found it only to see that it was totally dark inside the store. No! It couldn't be!!! It was closed!! Yes , Patricia, we should have listened to you and gone there first! Oh, well. It's a perfect excuse to plan another "Girl's Day Out".
We were pretty pooped and a little cold and soggy from the rain, so we headed back to Patricia's for the pajama party. She opened her gifts and then we though we should get the movie going before it got too late. We put on our jammies and curled up on the couch together with our munchies and watched a movie in front of the fire. Before we left we had some home made angel food cake with fresh strawberries. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day and I'm so glad that we got to share Patricia's birthday with her!!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
My First Scarf Patter- Irish Hiking Scarf

I deciced it was time to move on to something a little more challenging than just basic scarves and dish cloths. I came across a link for this irish hiking scarf and it's coming along great. The first 6 inches are a little "iffy" because I was trying to get used to following a pattern, but I think it's pretty darn good for a first try.
A Beautiful Drive Up The Columbia Gorge

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy 2007!!

I can't believe it's
already 2007!!! This last year totally flew by and obviously had a hard time disciplining myself to sit down and write.
Where do I start? My husband has been living in Montana since September. Hhe's attending heavy equipment school there and will be done in May. School is going well for my youngest and we made it through the soccer season without one rainy game. That was definately a miracle. I had a breast biopsy a few weeks ago that came back normal. Thank the Lord!! My oldest boy is getting ready to move out in a couple of months and I think we're both ready. He so needs his own space where he can live the way he chooses without Mom's rules. I keep waiting for parenting to get easier, but I think it just "gets different". HaHa.
The animals are doing great. The hens have slowed down with their laying, but it's to be expected with the shorter days. The chickens that we incubated are doing beautifully and I ended up with one Aracauna cross hen. I"m keeping my fingers crossed for green eggs, but we'll see. I bread Molly our Alpine, but it didn't seem to take. I think we waited a little too long to get her together with the buck. I'm just going to go ahead and wait until next year. I have a lot on my plate right now, so it's probably best anyway. The Nubian has gotten huge and she's almost become too much goat for me to handle. She probably weighs twice as much as I do or pretty darn close. I'm thinking of selling her and seeing if I can get an Alpine doe/kid pair.
The seed catalogs are already coming in and the green house will be ready for a good cleaning out in another month or so. We have had so much rain already this year and everything is such a mess. I'm hoping to get the gravel and plants in around there so things aren't so muddy and messy. I'm looking forward to trying some new herbs this year and will be helping my Mom plant a large garden of pumkins and flowers. Someday I'm hoping to have a place where I can have a nice sunny open area for a larger garden as well.
Christmas was very peaceful this year. I made a choice to keep things simple and gave mostly handmade things I had worked on throughout the fall. I gave out some canned goods and home made bath goodies of course. (I have an etsy store where I'm selling my soaps, etc.- http://lamargueritefarm.etsy.com ) I finally got my basic knitting skills down by making tons of scarves. So, of course, everyone got scarves for Christmas. The picture above is all the girls in there scarves at my SIL house. Todd was here for a brief visit so we had an early Christmas with his family.
My soap business went very well over the holidays and today I'm going to start on a few batches of soap that I need to get done. I need to do some brainstorming for some fun spring/gardeny items.
Well, I'm looking forward to seeing what 2007 brings and wish everyone much happiness and many blessings!!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Life's Been Busy

I hadn't realized how long it had been since my lat blog. Things have been kind of a whirlind since the nicer weather set in. We put in a raised garden this year. There are 8-4x4 raised beds wit vegetables and herbs. I've put up about 10qts of green beans and we have zuccini coming out of our ears. I've been playing around with all the different herbs especially the basil. I'ts doing just wonderful with all the heat we have had. I'll include a picture later.
We had a lot of clean up to do from our down pours and storms this winter and had to prepare for my oldest son's graduation. We had a wonderful party with about 30-40 people through out the day. We had a BBQ and played Bolo outside and then sat around the fire in the evening and roasted marshmallows and visited. It was such a surreal time for me. I knew my little boy was becoming a man, but now here he was getting ready to enter the real world with endless opportunity in front of him. I have strongly reccommended that he go to college, but I told him that whatever he does, do something that brings him joy. I told him not to live his life according to what others have planned for him. Whether it be ministry, music, or whatever he chooses, I'll be there as his biggest fan.
My husband got laid off earliler this year
Friday, February 03, 2006
A Glimpse of Spring!

I was outside waiting for my Mom to pick me up so we could go into town and meet a friend for lunch and I got to looking around at my flower beds and realized that some of my flowers are sending up little shoots and I have little violets blooming. It seems that when you feel you can't stand the dreariness of winter one more day you are given a glimpse of renewed life through nature. When I saw those pretty little violets today it was as if God was smiling at me and it eased my spirit and gave me the hope of Spring.