Nature Walk

Today my six year old and I decided to go on a nature walk on the way to the mailbox. I did this a number of times with my older son when he he was in grade school. We always had so much fun and everything is so beautiful this time of year.
We collected different types of leaves, sticks, rocks, moss, a fir branch, pine cones and a few remaining wild flowers including one lonely little white daisy along side the drive. We got home and pulled out the construction paper, markers and glue and put together a wonderful nature book. He titles it "Fall is Here and Halloween". He included a picture on the cover that I took of him playing in the leaves in the infamous red rubber boots. It is the same one I added here. He was so proud of our work and after everything dries we will put the pages together with jute twine. He plans on taking it to share day at school. When he got to the very last page he looked at me and said," I know, I'll give this to my teacher so that she will always remember me." He has the such a sweet spirit and a loving heart. Both my boys amaze me every day!( and challange me of course! ha ha)
Here is a story about the goats that he wanted me to include:
Molly went Baaa Baaa. Bubbles goes Baaa Baaa really loud when she is hungry and when we leave home. They love bananas and alfalfa. Written by: C. W.
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